Monday, January 9, 2012

Ways to avoid hidden dangers in life!!!

Is it possible to be blind without knowing ? Remember the people who thought their works of prophesying and casting out demons qualified them for heaven in Matthew 7:21-23. Jesus told them he never knew them and sent them away, 'talk about brutal'. It wasn't the outer works that hindered them it was due to the heart being truthful, pure and truly believing, but because they didn't truly believe in their heart they were self blinded. John 12:35 sheds light literally, if you are walking in darkness, meaning your lifestyle is FILLED with more evil then good, you aren't truly walking in light, one thing walking thru my apartment in dark has taught me is, your toes are a lot safer with the light on versus relying on your hands to lead you. That what a lot of people do, including myself sometimes, we put our trust in our own knowledge, we feel our way through life instead of letting God lead us. Falling in love for most people is based on feeling rather then the guidelines and wisdom from the word of God, eyes aren't opened until divorce strikes and foreclosure with a side of child support hits us. Picture it like this,our heart is the flash light, the word of God acts as the batteries, if the word of God isn't being placed correctly or too shallow, we won't have any results , his word has to actually penetrate our ungodly desires, if we listen to his word but refuse to obey it by letting go of the things we KNOW are displeasing to him, were willfully deciding to be blind. When I was in a relationship long ago anything that opposed how I felt I avoided including my dads very good advice, I didn't out right reject God in my heart but I rejected Christ dying for my sins by preserving my sinful relationship. You can't preserve your sinful situation and listen to the word and get results, sin blinds bottom line. We will never be perfect, but doing our best is all God ask of us, only ourselves and God knows when we are or aren't doing our best. We can't receive healing while blind, we can't grow while blind nor can we see where were going, this is why we must have accountability partners who are on the outside looking in to help keep our eyes open, especially when we think were in love . We naturally love darkness more then light, that's why we put soucj effort into protecting anything or anyone who makes us feel good, in these last days spiritual blindness is at an all time high, shows like Freaky Eaters and Strange Addictions show us how far blindness will walk is through the dark. John 3 18-21 explains how much we love darknes , so much so, many of us would rather bump into walls and break toes walking in the dark as long as our secret self gratifying sins can be enjoyed over walking in light.Satan has done a good job at blinding us to the truth, are your secret pleasures worth loosing eternity in heaven ? Mines aren't, giving them up was the best thing I've ever done, the best part is now I can see where I'm going before I get there, and to top that, I can see the harm ahead of others, which allows me the chance to warn them . So keep people around you that ate walking in light just in Cade your own flash light goes out. God bless

1 comment:

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